Trust in the LORD with all your HEART. Lean not unto your own understanding, but acknowledge him in all thy ways and he will direct your path.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Glass Garden House Cottage

This is my glass gardenhouse my Hubby built for me just recently.  It is 10 x 10, pea gravel floor and built with antique and vintage windows!     The majority of the windows came from the oldest Cottage on our street.  The new owners wanted new Windows and I went a knockin'!

The antique cast iron sink is "L" shaped with a very high back.  Hubby built a solid, eclectic base for it.  I added a thrift store (older) Waverly fabric for $2.00!

Rosemary with a silver spoon I stamped marking it

The garden is quiet and has been put to sleep

Happy Fall from the Cottage and Glass House Cottage

           ~~~~~~Blessings~~~~~~ Roxie


  1. Roxie it is gorgeous and the perfect place for your sink! love all the windows such a cheerful spot.

    1. Thank you Ann! My Hubby worked very long and hard on this! I haven't blogged hardly at all over the last few years. Moving,health issues etc. Hope to blog more again!

  2. That is beautiful! What an amazing space and professional job assembling from reclaimed windows! Stunning!

  3. I adore that glass garden house. That sink is beyond perfect if that is even possible. I would have that baby in my kitchen. I could live in that greenhouse all the rest of my life. SO lovely.

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