Trust in the LORD with all your HEART. Lean not unto your own understanding, but acknowledge him in all thy ways and he will direct your path.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Romantic....Rustic.....Cabin.....Cottage.....Whatever it is, this is the earliest I have EVER started decorating for Christmas.  I never start until the first week of December but since I seem to be getting slower and slower at what I'm doing.....better start now!

Here are a few pictures.......we have much "loose ends" to do before Christmas.  So many have been asking how is everything coming along?.........(response.......S*L*O*W)   Basically, we moved in and collapsed...

This picture is the front room or as I call it "The Keeping Room".  I don't know what that word means but I like the saying.  I'm not sure what the room is keeping except all of my JUNKING stuff~~~

I have been looking for a unique grate/andirons but haven't found what we want yet.   I purchased the cowhide at "Over the Moon Vintage Mkt" from Small Town Junk.  I have been looking for different pieces of furniture to create a new look....I bought the modern button wing back recently to the right of the pic.  I like!
Blessings to each and everyone of you and your families!~~~~~Roxie