Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Romantic....Rustic.....Cabin.....Cottage.....Whatever it is, this is the earliest I have EVER started decorating for Christmas.  I never start until the first week of December but since I seem to be getting slower and slower at what I'm doing.....better start now!

Here are a few pictures.......we have much "loose ends" to do before Christmas.  So many have been asking how is everything coming along?.........(response.......S*L*O*W)   Basically, we moved in and collapsed...

This picture is the front room or as I call it "The Keeping Room".  I don't know what that word means but I like the saying.  I'm not sure what the room is keeping except all of my JUNKING stuff~~~

I have been looking for a unique grate/andirons but haven't found what we want yet.   I purchased the cowhide at "Over the Moon Vintage Mkt" from Small Town Junk.  I have been looking for different pieces of furniture to create a new look....I bought the modern button wing back recently to the right of the pic.  I like!
Blessings to each and everyone of you and your families!~~~~~Roxie

Saturday, October 4, 2014


It's a beautiful Autumn day here in SW Ohio~~~the leaves are changing color and falling right before our eyes!  There is a crisp feel in the air~~~
Do you notice a change in the front of the cottage?  The concrete slab piece in front of the diamond grid picture window is gone forever~~~and a small slab piece to the far right is no longer there.  Yeah!
The concrete that is left will be changed/or removed next Spring....Hubby and I are still working on a plan for that change.
We haven't decided if we are going too put any landscape out in front this Fall or wait till Spring....I believe we will wait.
Ken has started around the corner to the left replacing damaged cedar shakes before Winter sets in.  I can't wait to see that improvement.  Still a lot to do...some painting of trim and copper gutters but what an improvement!


                                     ~~~Work in progress~~~last Fall 2013~~~new roof.  Look at the 1929 board slabs on the roof...neat!

                                              ~~~You can see the changes~~~

Unfortunately, we lost the massive spruce on the right early in the year.  That was hard.

                              ~~~It's getting better everyday~~~

Have a wonderful blessed week~~~Roxie

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I found this Awesome, BIG, Galvanized piece the other day at an antique mall.........I believe it's a piece from some type of feeder.  It has a great style......ruffled edges and the perfect rusty areas.  Only $10!!

Here is a better close-up~~~this can be displayed in so many great ways!  I would love to pile it full of real white pumpkins and gourds~~~maybe some vine/berries or nuts?  I do enjoy bringing nature inside for my decor~~~
Have you found a great or unique piece lately?
Have a wonderful and blessed week~~~Roxie

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I've been bringing a few items in for the dining area of the cottage.  The "original" plan to put the dining table in another room, was changed.  This is plan B....I like it better!

This is a basic, simple look ..... I have a few wall areas I need to's good for now!

I'm still not sure about the lace curtains.....I do love them but I may change it up later on.  There is sooo much going on right now, I am using what I have.  I am going to try soft, long panels to frame the windows...that may look better.
I want to add a little industrial, rustic look in places too!  Once we get officially moved...then the decorating fun begins!

Have a blessed and wonderful week~~~from one sweetie to another~~~Roxie

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                    What's it
                     Feather Nest

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Hi friends!  A lot has been going on with this cottage these last few weeks and more in the coming month.
I was "ran" out of the house.....(I guess I'm in their way).... the kitchen is being put together.  In the meantime..........Hubby and I found this cast iron sink over 5 yrs ago at a place called Kellys Island in northern Oh.  It was the islands treasure day.  A $3.00 bargain.
   Since I've had it, Ken built this simple base for it.  As you can see after 5 years in the weather, it needs some new paint and cleaning up. I had an old faucet but sold it???! Ugh, why did i do that?  So I am in the hunt for another one!
I purchased this vintage bark cloth a few weeks back.  It is actually a valance.  It replaces the other valance skirt that was on the potting sink.  I think the fabric is adorable.
   This area you are seeing is at the cottage.  It is under the deck.  This is a walk-out area with old stone walls.....perfect for my "Potting nook area".  I planted a few flowers and hung some hanging baskets.  I have huge plans for this quaint little area!
The SWEET vintage green watering can was found on the property back in the woods.  Hubby found it....He knows what I like!
My plan on the next posting is to show you how the tiny kitchen is coming along.  We are in a time crunch because we plan on moving in (whatever the situation is) last of August.  Whoo-Hoo! But of course, the work will continue~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I came across this pillow the other day at T.J. Maxx and it spoke to much, I had to have it.   I  like birds, I enjoy birds.....they are very sweet,  pleasant to hear and watch but I never thought I would enjoy a bird fabric pattern in my cottage.  I LOVE the muted colors and I love natural (nature) things.  The cottage speaks that to me......even the shingle roof I chose (not intending) is from the woodland nature collection.

Here is a textured pillow I picked up to go with the bird pillow.  It's hard to tell from the pic but the button is brown, not black.   Or.......

here is the textured pillow in the soft lime-green.  They both are so nice.  I believe this bird pillow is going to set my accent color for the cottage.  Overall, these are "earthy" colors in the pillow....warm soft brown, muted soft gray and muted soft blue and limey green.

Although, the cottage will be very neutral, I am in love with this print.....  And I also give myself permission to change my mind, if I choose!

As my Grandmother use to say........Birds of a feather, flock together!  In this case, it's for decorating!


Monday, May 19, 2014


Turning the corner, coming together!  Here is a peek-a-boo look at the first room almost complete!  It's the small (5 x 8) bathroom.....yeah!
The new cast iron claw tub is perfect for my "soakings" by candle-light!  The tub is only 54" long but feels great! The hand held shower head has to be put on the faucet ensemble yet.

This is the Martha Stewart vanity we purchased.  The vanity color is "sharkey gray" and I painted the bead board "picket fence".  These are Martha Stewart colors.
As you can see, the hardware isn't finished being put on the vanity and the electrical covers have to go on too.  The toilet or should I say "commode" is being installed tomorrow as well as the wall light.
The tile floor is a small octagon style and is white.  I love it's vintage look!

This bathroom is coming together nicely.  I will show another reveal when it's all together with decorating!  It's a very hard room to photograph because it's so small.
We were hoping to move in June but looks like it will be July or maybe later.  We have so much yet to do on the outside but aren't worried about that right now.

I wish I had more to show you...."finished".  There has been so much small unseen work that takes time.
The outside cedar shakes have been oil stained and did you notice the original wavy cedar wood over the large front window?  It has been stained brown.  We are currently working on the front door and new white trim will go up and be painted over the next month.  The concrete WILL BE REMOVED very soon~~YES!
Hopefully, in about 2-4 weeks, I can show another room(s) coming together.
We are having beautiful weather this week and I thank the Lord for that and I welcome it with open arms!

But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings, And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.    Malachi 4:2


Thursday, May 1, 2014


                                                              magnolia pearl

I've always had a fascination with clotheslines.............old or new, they bring back wonderful childhood memories.  A few years back I started collecting old clothesline rope holders, clothespins, detergent boxes and galvanized tubs to name a few.........


                                   I even have this SWEET little clothesline book in my collection........

                                        Shabby Olde Potting Shed

One of the things on my list is to have an olde-fashioned clothesline at the Cottage.  I LOVE this clothesline of my friend Lea.  She tops it off with a beautiful Bible verse........

Do you have a love relationship with a clothesline?  Do you know they are a "GREEN" thing to have?
Even if you can't have a permanent one, there are umbrella clotheslines you can put up and take down easily.

Also, I will be making my own laundry detergent soon.  As many of you know, there are recipes out in blogland to make your own.   I have heard nothing but good things about making your own detergent!

Do you have a special detergent recipe to share?  Or a childhood memory of a clothesline?  Please share if you like!   Have a wonderful and blessed week~~~~~Roxie

Monday, April 21, 2014


I wish I had more pictures to show you of an "updated" cottage.  The work being done is the "behind the scenes" work.  You know, lots of money going out with plumbing and electrical but not any "pretty" being seen?
I can show you new kitchen sink!  It will be here this week and I'm so excited!  We are finally turning the corner and over the next 2-4 weeks it will be nice to physically vision a few rooms coming together.
Considering my hubby has done 90% of the work himself, he has made great progress!  I will be painting like crazy over the next month and the claw bath tub should be here next week......yeah!

Here is a picture of a similar sink ~~~~~

    The one I purchased is a little bit smaller........Mine is from WHITEHAUS COUNTRY HAUS
AND I have to admit........I love doing dishes!  Of all the household chores, I enjoy cleaning my kitchen the most!
       ~~  ~~   ~ ~Have a wonderful and blessed week~~~Roxie

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I thought I would show you some FABULOUS vignettes and items from the OVER THE MOON VINTAGE MARKET SHOW~~~~This is Pams truck from Ruffles and Rust~~~~~Don't cha just LOVE it!!  Can you see the lit crown in the truck window?

                             A wonderful industrial garden look from 2 Chicks and a Truck

        Do you have a love for black, gray and white?  You will enjoy Sues home decor from The Front Porch

                                                                 Sweet Vintage of Mine

These are my 3 over 3 Vintage lockers with a fabulous green-chippy paint I will be re-purposing into an island~~~Can't wait!

Hope you enjoyed seeing some great items from the show!  I will post more in a few weeks~~~Happy Spring!!~~~~Blessings~~~~Roxie

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I've been brainstorming these last few weeks on creating an island in my cottage that is somewhat unique and on the industrial side.  I'm sure you are wondering, what does this picture from Over the Moon Vintage Market have to do with that?
Well............if you look very close, there is a vintage green locker in the pic.  A three over three with the most fantastic green chippy paint.  It's approx.  36" wide and  30" deep.  Perfect for the space I am thinking about in the cottage.  But I have to tell you.....I am stepping out of my comfort zone here with this.  I do like it so...........I bought it!!!
Hubby loves the color and the idea.  He is going to put a wood top on it and industrial rollers on the bottom to raise it up.

Call me CRAZY, but I'm going for it!!  Hey, the worst thing is, if I don't like it......I'll do something else with it!
I also bought a CHANDY to go above it....(sorry, no pic).  It will be a while before we get to this point in the decorating area but my mind is going non-stop!
I'm going for a Romantic-Rustic look in the cottage.......I may love it or it could evolve into something else.
I thought you would enjoy some pics of  "things" people have created/used for an island that are VERY UNIQUE and different~~~~~Enjoy!

Some very different, unique or extreme examples here.  I am really thinking outside the box with this but I am willing to try it..............Have a wonderful and blessed week~~~~~Roxie

Saturday, March 29, 2014


I went to the cottage yesterday to do some work.  Ken went a couple of hours before me.  At the last minute, I grabbed an antique frame hanging in my hall bathroom.  I thought, I need a little "inspiration" at the cottage before I start to work.  That's whats all around us......mess, dirt, tools, etc.
I came in the cottage, cleared off the mantle and set the antique frame down.  Then I turned the sconces on and stepped back and visualized~~~~yes, call me crazy.....but I needed to "decorate".
Ken says what are you doing?  My response.....I need to be "inspired" before I start working!  He just looks at me with a half grin......

Today is a cold, rainy, miserable day.  Ken left the house to go to the cottage at 8 am.  Not me........I came a few hours later.  Here is what I saw when I walked in the door........

He told me "I needed to be inspired before I started working".  Who would know?  I had to laugh!!  What you are seeing is my hubbys creativity.....he does think a little different, but always makes me smile with his sense of humor!
Just in case you can't see what it is............................(sorry for the dark pics, overcast today)

                          Besides me, this is a love of his life~~~~~He has such good taste!!

                                         Blessings and a wonderful week~~~Roxie

Thursday, March 27, 2014


I want you to meet my new, old door.  I have been looking for an old door with character to be installed on the larger of the two bathrooms.
About a month ago, I came across an old door at an Antique Mall and LOVED it!  It was the natural wood with a great patina, all hardware including hinges, and glass in the door about this size with a stencil/painted bird motif (perfect for a cabin w/nature) but still some femininity.  I passed on it..........thought more about it and went back to get it and guess what?  Yep, it was gone!   REGRET.
So .............yesterday I came across this door at a local Antique Mall.  I love it!  The color is not of my choice (though it is old paint) and I haven't decided to paint it  or sand it down.  I'd prefer to use some natural wood tones with white walls and lean to sanding to a wood patina.
I have a choice where to use this door......into the larger bathroom or on a walk-in closet hubby is building.  The french wordage would be perfect for a closet door but the door wouldn't be seen as much.  I plan on putting white lace behind the glass for privacy.  That really makes the door/french words pop!

                    Offering~~~~~~~~A Nail Spa
                                                  Boot maker

        I'm in Business!  We are in the thick of things with plumbing, drywall and some electrical work.  Those phases are "I can't see much being done" and "oh, this is where the money is going!
                                 Have a wonderful and Blessed week~~~Roxie