Thursday, May 1, 2014


                                                              magnolia pearl

I've always had a fascination with clotheslines.............old or new, they bring back wonderful childhood memories.  A few years back I started collecting old clothesline rope holders, clothespins, detergent boxes and galvanized tubs to name a few.........


                                   I even have this SWEET little clothesline book in my collection........

                                        Shabby Olde Potting Shed

One of the things on my list is to have an olde-fashioned clothesline at the Cottage.  I LOVE this clothesline of my friend Lea.  She tops it off with a beautiful Bible verse........

Do you have a love relationship with a clothesline?  Do you know they are a "GREEN" thing to have?
Even if you can't have a permanent one, there are umbrella clotheslines you can put up and take down easily.

Also, I will be making my own laundry detergent soon.  As many of you know, there are recipes out in blogland to make your own.   I have heard nothing but good things about making your own detergent!

Do you have a special detergent recipe to share?  Or a childhood memory of a clothesline?  Please share if you like!   Have a wonderful and blessed week~~~~~Roxie


  1. I have a very old clothesline in my garden and I use it whenever the weather agrees with the idea! I plan to replace it someday as it's really about to collapse anytime, but I'll always have one in the garden!

  2. My momma had a clothesline, I loved it.

  3. Hi Roxie, I love outdoor clotheslines, but also love that we have the option of a dryer :)
    There is nothing that smells so good as crawling into a bed made with sun dried sheets.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Your blogging sis,
    Connie :)

  4. i want my clothes line to look like magnolias--gorgeous! happy weekend, roxie!

  5. I have a love for clothes lines too! Right now I have some garden flags on mine, but I love to use it to hang out freshly washed sheets! Hugs, Penny

  6. Hi Roxie,
    I love clothes lines too. I remember as a kid bringing in the sheets that had hung outside to dry. Oh the fresh sweet smell of the bed to cozy up in after the clean sheets were put on the bed.

  7. Hi Sweet Roxie,
    I love them, too, wish is probably why I love recreating the vintage clothespin bags for my shoppe. I do hope to one day have a sweet clothesline, too! Hope you get yours soon for summer! xo Heather

  8. I dry all my whites outside for as many months of the year as I can. I don't do towels because they are too scratchy. I do make my own laundry soap -except I use Dreft for baby things. But here is the link to the recipe on my blog;

    I loved this post, Roxie. I am going to check out your friend's blog, too. xo Diana

  9. In our retirement community, we are not allowed to have a clothesline! It is ridiculous....a person can have 500 painted figurines, but Lord help us, a clothesline would bring the neighborhood down! But i remember the clothesline at home and at Grandma's and the sticks to hold them up when they were weighted with clothes....Wish I had a picture of that!

  10. I use a clothesline and make my own detergent along with fabric softener. I make the liquid detergent using Dawn and it has been great.

  11. I am with you ~ clothesline are pretty special. We had a simple tree to tree one in our farmyard, but one tree recently came down. I am now on the hunt for old metal poles at auction!

  12. Roxie,
    Whenever I see a clothesline it always makes me smile. My mother-in-law used to hang her clothes in her back yard on the clothesline, and she had 10 kids! Can you imagine? The days of hanging clothes on the clothesline are gone, and I think it is so great that you want to have one at the cottage. You are a girl after my own heart, Roxie.

    I love this first picture. It is beautiful.


  13. Oh, and thank you for your comment on my "Jesse" post. It means so much to me and Nel. Having blog friends like you to share our joy and sorrow makes all the difference in the world.


  14. Oh, I had a clothes line until a couple of years ago....thinking of putting one up again as I still have the hooks on the garage and clothes line pole, and a few clothes pins, so why not a line?????? I guess it is easier to throw everything in the dryer, geez we are so spoiled. But who knows, if for some reason there is no more electric, we will be ready to dry our clothes outside like in days of old.......have a great day.

  15. Roxie, what a pretty picture! I haven't tried making my own detergent....interesting!

  16. Dear Roxie - I hand clothes out on my line as soon as spring hits. There is nothing like wind blown sheets to sleep on. Have mine strung on some trees in the good for me. Take care and have a lovely week.

  17. Hi Roxie,
    Love your pictures!
    One of the things I'm asking for as a Mother's Day gift is a clothesline! I miss the one I had when I lived in town. Funny. You'd think I'd have one in the country instead!

    Here's my recipe for Super Quick, Super Cheap Laundry Detergent.

    I've used Dawn dish soap in oily stains with good results, too.

    Have a terrific week!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  18. I can just smell the fresh air while reading this. I think you have chosen a really neat thing to collect. I have wonderful memories too!

  19. I never thought about clothes lines. When I think of them It reminds me of my child hood. I will forever think of them differently now. Thanks for sharing your prospective on them. I am going to be a fan of them from now on.

  20. I love this post, and I thought for sure I commented, but maybe I read it in a rush and forgot. This past week, Remodelista had some interesting suggestions for clotheslines and some of them were nicely priced. My mom use to dry the clothes on the line, and because it is very dry, it works fast. But I think it is a little more dusty in our area than when I was young, because people don't take care of their yards as much, and the city use to get after people for leaving just dirt in their yards. Blowing dust is not desert landscape. :) My washer and dryer use to be outside like my mother's, but my clothes were always getting dirty until we fixed the porch . However, I was thinking of rigging something up in my porch. It certainly gets warm enough here! xoxo

  21. I remember my mother having the T bar clothes lines. She used to hang the sheets to dry shaping a square "house" for my sister and I to play in. We sat on an old wire spool my dad had brought home and would color or have "tea" and enjoy ourselves as the sheets dried.

  22. Nothing more beautiful than a load of white linens billowing in the breeze, and that sun soaked smell, .... fabulous!

  23. Hello Roxie, I just love hanging my clothes out on the line to dry...they smell so naturally fresh...and saves energy at the same time. Thank you so much for following my blog.
    All the best...

  24. Oh how I wish I could hang clothes out to dry on a clothesline more. We have one of the old maypole style ones on the back half of our acreage, but alas, in the Arizona Desert it's not so practical to hang clean clothes out to dry... too dusty and the sun is so fierce it quickly fades things. So... I opt for the freshest smelling fabric softners I can find, but nothing quite compares to the Fresh Air fragrance that drying them on the clothesline imparts and I too have always loved seeing clothes hanging out to dry on a clothesline. I remember as a child we even made clothesline forts between the sheets! *smiles* Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  25. I could not resist a comment......the hymn written from these words, is one of my all time favorites!! I am a music director, so I "make" the church sing that song as often as I can get away with ;^)
