Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Look what I found on the side of the road waiting for the garbage man......!  A Fabulous find~~~A Vintage MAID OF HONOR galvanized tub!  It's in like-new condition, original paint and wheels.  It's a keeper~~~

                For all you junkers out there, what's the BEST find you have come across......FREE?

                         Blessings to you all~~~Have a wonderful week ahead!    Roxie


  1. Great find,,,what will you do with it now? Happy Junkin!!

  2. Oh I would have picked that up awesome. Hug B

  3. What a fabulous score! OK.. why would ANYONE get rid of an awesome treasure like that??
    I once picked up a free buffet table off the road. Set out and posted with a free sign on it... my favorite price... :)
    It's still one of my favorite pieces, and serving as a dresser right now !

    Have a great week.

    Smiles :)

  4. Roxie,
    What a wonderful find. You are so lucky to have found that sweet thing. Now what will you do with it? Garden with flowers in it perhaps or maybe inside the new Cottage. I cannot wait to see what you do with that. I think my old vintage cottage door with the mail slot in the door was the best find I ever got from the side of the road.

  5. Ha....they knew you would be driving by and put it out just for you cause it had your name on it!!! What a really fun find....that would make a neat garden tub....maybe an older one would be better. That tub is way to nice to fill up with dirt, what you going to do with it???

  6. Roxie, Sometimes blessing come from the most unlikely places. This is wonderful and I know that you will plant it full of flowers or re-purpose it into something amazing.
    I love that you found it before the garbage-men came. It would have been a sin to have it crushed in their truck.
    Keep Smiling,
    Connie :)

  7. Fantastic find - so many ways you can use this. Love it!!

  8. Wow this is a great find...can't wait to see what you do will do with this...perhaps a tub full of flowers?? Have a delightful day. Hope the house is coming along very well and you are getting lots done!!

  9. Hi Roxie! I know this was 'junked' because the woman of the house is like me. If it sits too still, throw it out! I'm so glad you found it. I'm sure the Lord had this in mind for you...he's smiling like crazy!

    I don't really pick stuff, but my husband sure does. He and my son walked in once, groaning under the weight of the most enormous TV you have ever seen. My husband said the woman who kicked it to the curb came out and yelled "It still works great!"

    Hope you'll have a great weekend my friend :)

  10. WOW - how fabulous !!!
    What will you use it for?
    Big bursts of gorgeous colorful plants?
    ( that screams planter to me !!! )

  11. That's amazing-what a score!! We once found an old dark wooden buffet on the side of the was a little shabby, but had gorgeous lines! We put it in the shop and someone bought it to use as a tv stand! :)

  12. You know, some people find pennies from heaven, you find "junk" from heaven!!!

  13. Roxie, I'm going to feature your fabulous find tonight on Revisionary Life Thrifty Life Thursday! :)
