Sunday, June 2, 2013


Call me crazy, silly as a goose, flyin' by the seat of my pants, spur of the moment, jerk reaction or goofy but I'm committed! this SWEET little lady or fella?  As long as all the paperwork goes through (Ohio requires a title) this little one is mine!
Before I have a nervous breakdown about what I have done, I thought why not have some FUN with this!  I need a name for this "SWEETIE"!
Here goes........I would LOVE for my blogger girlfriends to join in and throw some names in (up to 3 is o.k) for this little trailer!  I think that would be so FUN reading what INSPIRING MINDS have to say!

I'm looking forward to decorating her but hubby says she needs some work but she is do-able for now!  Sooooo, can't wait to see what y'all come up with!  Have a wonderful and blessed week!  From one sweetie to another~~~Roxie

p.s. This name game is solely meant for FUN and contains no reimbursement or legality issues whatsoever. 


  1. What came to me right away was Baby Bliss- lol It's is darling! Love it and hope you get it. xo Diana

  2. Congrats Roxie. Oh my this is going to be so great. Lucky girl!!!! How about your trademark "Sweetie"!! That would be a great name.
    I am so excited for you.

  3. Oh, can't wait for it to be all yours!!! Looking forward to seeing your sweet touch on it! ;) xo Heather

  4. This is great news. You have been telling me how much you want one! I will think about a name or two for you to consider. I think that it is a personal thing, and needs to reflect your personality. Is the trailer a little Shasta Compact? I see that it is small...and it should be light and easy to tow. Hurrah!!

  5. I LOVE it! I've always thought one of those little things would be fun to have. My hubby...not so much. They wold be so much fun to decorate, easy to haul, and a cute little get-away! My mind is not so inspiring right now. I think Kris had a great idea with "Sweetie". And as I looked back at what you said it was, " I need a name for this Sweetie". Yeah, my mind is a bit blank tonight so I'm just going to second Kris' idea.I would love to see the inside. You definitely need before and after photos! Hope you get it!

  6. Hi Roxy how fabulous is that lovely trailor there's something so freeing about traveling where you want to and when you want to making tea, feeling the warm breeze on your face. My brother has a VW camper and goes to Devon parking up by dry stone walls I envy him and his wife. I think this lovely is a lady called as one of your previous followers has commented "Sweetie" have fun xxx

  7. I also love "Sweetie"....or "Axle Rose" ---rocking and rolling with Roxie....:) can paint dots on can't And also thank you for stopping by My Ordinary Country Life and leaving me a sweet comment. I became a follower of yours and can't wait to see what you name her/him.

  8. Roxie, she's adorable! I have to say I love 'Sweetie', too...or how about 'SV' for sweet vintage, or 'The Dreamer'...can't wait to hear what you decide! :)

  9. She is so adorable, and I just know you are going to glam it up! So, how about "Glamour Girl"?
    What ever you decide, she's a "Sweet Ride"!

  10. I tried to send you a reply to your comment on my blog. Do you know you are a No Reply blogger when you leave a comment? Just wanted to make sure you knew- xo Diana

  11. Oh Roxie - I am so glad you are getting will you decorate it? That may give you a clue as to what you will call her...Roxie's Place comes to mind but I like Sweetie as well. Take care and have a great day dreaming about your new purchase. Thanks too for stopping by to visit me.

  12. Dear Sweet Roxie, she is a little jewel, or will be when you are finished with her. I like "Sweetie", too, or maybe "Roxie's Little Sweetie" , or Roxie's Little Jewel Box". I agree that you need to be sure and take before photos, it is so easy to get into a project and then wish you had of taken them. I hope that you get it, and I know that you will have so much fun making her shine:) Have fun! Connie :)

  13. So happy for you my friend. How about cutie pootootie..

  14. Hi Roxie! Know you will fix her up darling...
    I would name her *Sweetie Pie*
    Have fun,

  15. Oh if you can only have 7 digits for your license plates you could spell it *SweetPi*
    *Sweet pea* is fun too!
