Sunday, January 12, 2014


One of the unique and wonderful things about the street we are moving to is the WOOD CARVINGS of  different things at some of the pretty houses on the street.
A talented wood-carver named Dan has created these designs as the homeowners wish.  Dan lives at one end of the street and it all started with him having a few carvings on his beautiful property.
The carving of this squirrel with the nut feeder is two doors down from our cottage.  The property owners lost a huge, old tree in 2008 and they had Dan carve this.  I have to is so unique and quite entertaining to look at.  It's over 6ft tall.....I love it!

                                                            Side pic.......

                                   Another view..........

The neighbor across the street has a pineapple.  She uses hers as an address number too.  Too creative!
In case you don't know, the pineapple is a symbol for "HOSPITALITY"

                                  A beautiful eagle down the street.............

                                                   Mr. Wizzard...........
                                        The wizzard sits in Dan's yard

                           Mr. Bear scratching his back on the tree...............he's so cute!

                     Another Eagle.....this one is much smaller but he is holding the American Flag

I hope you have enjoyed the wood-carvings on our cottage street.  We have a few dead trees and if possible Hubby and I would like to have a carving.......but we'll see!   It's so nice to see a unique touch to our street!  Very friendly neighbors who care.............Which one is your favorite?       Blessings~~~Roxie


  1. If I could have one, it would be a cat curled up sleeping on a stump or a book opened with this quote inside: Find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. ~William Shakespeare

  2. Dear Roxie - I am so glad you shared these pictures. Amazing and to think what talent this man has. It is difficult to say which one I like the best... love squirrels and eagles and that wizard is delightful. Looks like you are going to settle in just fine in this neighborhood with all your creative skills. Glad to see that your snow has melted too - Yea - Jan. thaw!! I am enjoying it - hope you are too. Have a great week dear.

  3. Hi Roxie....Oh my is there such a thing as a "January Thaw" as Debbie said....I can hardly wait!! We still have snow and ice. I like the bear scratching his back on the tree. The squirrel, the eagle...they are all great. What a great talent your neighbor has. A wood carving on your property would look great too!! Great post! have a great week!!

  4. They are all wonderful but the bear is my favorite. What a nice touch to your street!

  5. it would be hard to pick a fav, but, the eagle might win out for me:) what a fabulous talent your neighbor has!

  6. These are so wonderful. The eagle has such an expressive face.

  7. Those are so clever. In Virginia - the Colonial area - the Pineapple is the symbol for hospitably. They would love that Pineapple!

  8. I like the first eagle. That is really unique!

  9. I should have a squirrel one in my yard...since we have a ton of squirrels here.

  10. Hi Roxie, I have been looking forward to this post. You mentioned months ago when you purchased your cottage, that you would do one about your neighbor's chainsaw art.
    I think that it is so cool that your neighborhood has this special common feature. My favorite is the squirrel :) He's a cutie.
    Thanks for sharing, it looks like you have found a lovely area to call home.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  11. So whimsical and artistic. I like the pineapple..

  12. Roxie,
    How sweet to have Dan making a art feature for your homes. They are so personal and beautiful for each property. It will be so nice to have one someday for your sweet cottage too. Neighbors are what really make a neighborhood a great place to live and it sounds like you have found that. So excited for you Roxie.

  13. These carvings are so amazing and whimsical! If you can get one, you should. Long after everyone moves the carvings will be there making your neighborhood so special! I love them all!

  14. I love the pineapple one, but they are all so amazing. So neat that the whole street has them, what a neat community!
    Can't wait to see what you chose!

  15. All of them are so unique Roxie. I think it's so cool that there are so many on your street. I think it shows that this must be a great community!!!

  16. Ok... seriously, cool!
    Love all the carvings, and how thoughtful of him to make the neighborhood just that much more charming :)

    Thanks also, for the kind comments that you left me, on the post about Spencer's house. He's a great kid {well, he's a man of 22, but to me, he's always going to be our little boy} and I know he's going to make that house beautiful again.
    It is a French country style house, so different than most old houses around here. It will be very fun to fix up and make shine.
    He wants to sand the floors down, and re-glaze them and seal them and have Scandinavian style floors. I think it's going to be great.

    Looking forward to reading more about your renovations, and seeing more pictures. I love it!!

    Take care, my friend..
