Sunday, February 16, 2014


One of the things I enjoy doing this time of year is to look at garden and seed books/catalogs.  It would make me look forward to putting out a garden.  These pics I will be showing you are from a few years ago at my farmhouse.

With all this cold, long winter, I can't wait till I can get back to gardening. But it may not be this year because of all the work that's going on at the cottage.

One of my favorite garden books is called Down the Garden Path.  It's a garden book but with comparison of our life to the Bible.
Beautiful blooms and a bountiful harvest requires good soil.
In the Bible, Jesus use a word picture of garden dirt to help us understand how the beauty and the bounty of our character, our life, and our deeds are dependent upon the condition of our Heart (soil).
The seed of God's Word requires GOOD SOIL to germinate, take root, grow deep and bear abundant fruit.
(paragraph taken from this book)

Create in me a rich and fertile (heart) soil.  O God, and clean out every weed that keeps me from enjoying your presence and bringing you glory........

                                     Blackberry Blooms............................

                       2 Corinthians 9:6      He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully........

                                                  Morning Glories in the beans................
                                  Psalm 72:19   Let the whole earth be filled with His glory!

                                     My neighbors pergola grape vineyard was plentiful that year.........

                                  John 15:5     I am the vine; you are the branches.........abide in me.....

                           Jeremiah 31:12....... Your soul shall be like a well-watered garden

                                      Psalm 103:2...... Forget not all His benefits

                         Proverbs 11:18.... He who sows righteousness......REAPS a sure reward

Numbers 6: 24-25.............The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you....

                                                     Bloom where you are planted...........

                                                  I have learned the secret of being content......

          Psalm 118:24......This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!

                           Have a wonderful and blessed week~~~Roxie

Monday, February 3, 2014


It's no secret that I have a LOVE for vine/flower covered pergolas, arbors or gazebos.  Outside structures with vintage wrought iron tables and chairs or potting areas swoon me!  Since we are supposedly getting more snow/ice in the next few days and Valentines Day is just around the corner.....I thought it would be nice to see images of  Spring/Summer.  Can't you picture yourself sitting here?

                                                       A sweet Romantic- Rustic look!!


                                                    I could stay here for hours!

                                                         Romantic Homes-pinterest
I'm always on the look-out for vintage wrought iron furniture.  If I had a barn or large building it would be full of it! (and vintage gliders)
If I hosted a luncheon, which setting do you prefer?

................and speaking of gliders, this is my all-time favorite!  My hubby took a damaged glider, repurposed it into a swing and painted it PINK for me.  He did this one day when I wasn't home.  What a beautiful surprise!  Though this happened a few years ago....I will always treasure and remember the look on his face....the love in his eyes with a big smile.  I couldn't have asked for anything better~~~Once we move and get settled into our cottage, this again will be hung under an arbor of flowers and vines~~~~~Happy Valentines Day~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

Also~~~~Bernideens Tea Time is hosting a Valentines Tea Party, Tues. Feb. 11!  Your all invited!  If you like please copy and post on your blog!    Thanks~~~Roxie