Thursday, September 27, 2012


After many people asking me to give them more info on my HEALING, I have decided to have an update on my situation. My JOURNEY has taken me down many steps and paths since being told of a CANCEROUS TUMOR on the HEAD of my PANCREAS in MAY 2009. I am here to tell you that GOD has directed my steps all the way on this journey. That is why you see the scripture verse under the HEADING PICTURE on this BLOG. PROVERBS 3:5-6~~I wrote this VERSE on a CHALKBOARD in my kitchen and it stayed there until recently!

THE JOURNEY BEGINS~~~~~I was sent to a SURGEON for a consultation to remove this tumor. I prayed, read the WORD, and asked GOD for guidance for the right decisions to be made: Doctor, surgery, etc. This particular Doctor was very specific with me~~the operation and how serious it was~~If I don't do this now, I won't be here long~~~It will take me 6-12 months to recover, if nothing goes wrong~~~My quality of life won't be the same. I could go on and on.
When I left his office, I knew for the first time in my LIFE what the LOWEST of LOWs were. I could not speak..I felt the "spirit of death" trying to compass me

I felt led to see a different Surgeon. He took another CT SCAN. When I went to him for the consultation about the scan and what can be done, his first words to me were "IT's a good thing you didn't have surgery because you probably would not be here now." He proceeded to tell me that the TUMOR was also wrapped around my main artery running thru my body and also on the HEPATIC artery (which leads to the liver). These probably would have been severed at surgery(there is more detail on this but I won't go into it). Basically, I was INOPERABLE!

Because of being "INOPERABLE", this qualified me for a different type of treatment. You could not have anything else wrong with you!! I previously had bleeding on the stomach lining (the tumor caused this) and I had bled out 2 different times (near death, second time). This could not be a problem with this "chemo pill" they were going to give me. Basically, they held off treatment for a month....then the first healing happened! Doctors scanned me again to see about the bleeding area in stomach lining and there was an unknown barrier between the tumor and my stomach lining. The DR.s couldn't explain but it cleared the way for treatment to begin!
This treatment was given to me in COLUMBUS, OH that specializes in this RARE TUMOR. That was also another blessing..close to home! Doctor said it had only a 30% chance of shrinking it but the BEST CHANCES were in the first 1-3 months. Basically, nothing happened the first 2 months and the Doctor said she would leave me on the treatment for 2 more months. She said, it hasn't done anything so that doesn't look good. GOD HAD ANOTHER PLAN!! OVer the next 2 months, it started shrinking!! I was on this treatment for 8 months (the norm is 6 months)and the tumor shrunk almost HALF THE SIZE! (This is a picture of me at the 7 month of treatment) DO I LOOK SICK???

My last TREATMENT was JUNE 2010! The Doctors said I was doing so well then, they were giving me a break until they would put me on another treatment in the future. (these treatments can be hard on you in other ways). I have had 4 scans since JUNE 2010 and the tumor looked as if it were slightly smaller each time but the DOCTORS would say that had to be a MARGIN OF ERROR! WRONG!!!! MY last scan in AUG. 2012 shown the tumor as now JUST A LITTLE BIGGER THAN AN INCH in diameter! They finally had to DOCUMENT IT THAT IT WAS SMALLER AND NOT MARGIN OF ERROR!! I HAVE HAD NO TREATMENT IN OVER 28 months and I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW GOD HAD HEALED ME AND HE WILL RECEIVE THE GLORY!! My DOCTORS look at me in AMAZEMENT and SHAKE THEIR HEADS! I know I have a HEALING TESTIMONY to GIVE for the LORD.....I was given a DEATH SENTENCE but GOD has given me LIFE! BY HIS STRIPES, I AM HEALED! Thank you LORD for you are THE GREAT PHYSICIAN!

Be Blessed, Keep the Faith, and know that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD for those who BELIEVE! From one sweetie to another~~~Roxie

Saturday, September 22, 2012



The VINTAGE AUTUMN GLIDER~Original CHIPPY Paint in BLACK and ORANGE. I will be missin this color for the FALL season when my HUBBY restores it~~~

Isn't this PRECIOUS? HUBBY made this a few weeks ago sittin' on the PORCH. It's a piece of wire from an ANTIQUE BED FRAME. He is so talented and has a HEART for the LORD~~~It was a little gift to me~~~

Hope you enjoyed a few PICS from my PORCH! I'm still FLUFFIN" and will be showing you more very soon. AUTUMN is my FAVORITE time of the year and I am really enjoying decorating my FAVORITE ROOM.....MY PORCH~~~~BLESSINGS.....From one sweetie to another~~~Roxie

Monday, September 17, 2012


I believe this has been my BESTEST FABULOUS FINDS YET! An ANTIQUE CHEST of DRAWERS (no mirror)~CHIPPY PAINT~~~AWESOME COLOR~~~BEAUTIFUL DESIGN. It has no knobs, but I still LOVE IT! I knew immediately I wanted it, especially when I saw the PRICE~~~~$37.00! I knew right where I wanted to put it~~~~IN MY FOYER!! I have struggled with this space for years. I'm sure I will be doing more FLUFFING with it but right now I am so pleased with it. I will look for knobs, but I actually like it the way it is too! What do ya think?

And that's NOT ALL!~~~~

LAST but not LEAST~~~
A PRECIOUS WICKER MARKET BASKET on WHEELS. A wonderful price of $18.00

There you have it! The GOOD LORD was shining down his BLESSINGS on me this BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND! Now I'm going to start DECORATING/FLUFFING my PORCH for FALL! From one sweetie to another~~~~Roxie

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Look at these FABULOUS VINTAGE PURSES  I found at an ESTATE SALE last weekend

A black leather purse with an awesome clasp

This one is made in ITALY! It's a larger size with a bit of sparkle in the weave


Great sophisticated look~~~LOVE the clasp!

TAPESTRY~~~so PRETTY and SWEET~~Large size


CLASSIC Blue and White~~~~Remember MOM carrying one of these?

Great color for AUTUMN!

So tell me~~~Which one of these LOVELIES would you carry? Or, is there one that would LOOK FABULOUS with an outfit you have? From one sweetie to another~~~~Roxie

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Thought I would show a few pictures of a FALL DAY mini road trip.  This is my FAVORITE time of year!  I LOVE the CRISP air and the BLUE SKIES.  The GRASS is usually GREEN and the LEAVES have begun to float to the ground.  The picture of this BEAUTIFUL CHURCH is somewhere in Indiana~~~~

Abandoned FARMHOUSE~~somewhere in Kentucky~~look at the PRETTY fretwork on this
TINY PORCH.  It wasn't much of a PORCH but someone LOVED DETAIL!


At a Show in KY! Can you see the BEE hovering over the yellow mums? I didn't see this until after I took the picture! SWEET VINTAGE of MINE to you! Hope your weekend is BEAUTIFUL! Roxie